Friday, September 18, 2009

Freedom to Speak

With all of the health-care debate taking place right now it's easy to forget about all of the other important political reforms also being debated. One of these being the McCain-Feingold act of 2002 which ended the proliferation of issue advocacy ads with-in 30 days of a national primary and 60 days of a national general election. It also prohibited corporations and non-profits from being able to bank-role these types of ads with their unlimited supplies of "soft-money". As it turns out, and even though a lot of us hate these ads, this is a limitation to our freedom of speech. Would we rather be able to speak freely or watch our TV's without being bombarded with partisan political ads? I'll take the former. In fact, if this law holds up, the FEC would be able to ban books which were paid for by corporations. Lets hope the Supreme Court gets this one right!